Charles Hulin III Enoch Genesis Hebrews Walking

Walking with God

Rev. Hulin with his son and nephew

Walking with God – Genesis 5:24

Charles J. Hulin III

October 8, 1962

Every person is searching for something in life. The young person is searching for the future. The young marrieds are searching for a peace in the midst of all the struggles of life. The older people may be searching for security. All of us are searching for a victorious life, whatever our age. And I think the answer to our longings and searchings can be found right here in this verse of scripture: “Enoch walked with God, and he was not, for God took him.” Walking with God is the way we find meaning in life.


The psalmist said, “In thy presence is fullness of joy.” So the psalmist was joyful because of his companionship. He was walking with God

I had rather meet tonight in a tent and have God’s companionship that meet in a great cathedral without Him.

I had rather be on a lonely island alone with Him than in a crowded city without Him.

Samuel Rutherford said, “I had rather be in Hell with Thee than in Heaven without Thee; for if I were in Hell with Thee, that would be Heaven to me, and if I were in Heaven without Thee, that would be Hell to me.”

Yes, the company we keep is important. That is the way to real joy, especially when that company is Jesus. To walk with Him is to find joy.


The psalmist said, “I have set the Lord always before me, because He is at my right hand I shall not be moved.” Certainly this is true! For how can we be moved and shaken if God is with us, for “If God be for us, who can be against us?”

A little girl kept running to the foot of the stairs and asking, “Momma, are you there?” Finally, the mother asked well, “What do you want?” “Oh,” the little girl said, “nothing. I just wanted to know if you were there.” Is it not that way with us? In all the pestilence, wars, sins, troubles, and in our wrestling against the principalities, against the powers, against the world rulers of this darkness – What do they matter? – God is with us.

“Fear not for I am with thee. Be not dismayed for I am thy God. I will strengthen thee. Yea, I will help thee.” If we walk with God, we have this assurance of security.


In the first fifteen verses of Jude, we see that Enoch was given an insight of the Second Coming of Christ in which he said that Christ would come with ten thousands of His saints to execute judgments.

Today, God speaks to those who walk with Him and gives them spiritual enlightenment. If you want to know God’s will for the Church, ask those who are walking with God.


When you are in His presence, you think more about your words and actions.

Would you gossip about your church leaders if God was standing beside you?

If Jesus was going to be here bodily tonight, would our people be here? Every last one would be here! And some would be trembling because they know full well they have failed Him and the Church.

People who are walking with God have a deeper commitment to Him in regard to discipleship and living right lives and supporting the Church.


Even as husband and wife living together each become like the other, so do we become more like God if we are close to Him, walking with Him -“transformed into the same image from glory unto glory.”


Augustus “found Rome brick and left it marble,” but you can be more useful than that if you are walking with God, for He will use you.

Edison, Marconi, Fulton, Morse, the great generals added to these, and all the great statesmen did great things. But you can be used in even greater ways by simply walking with God.


When you come here on Sunday nights and see that you are one of a few, you can take heart because you have walked with God, and thus, are pleasing God.

If you bring your tithe and the Church falls behind, you need not feel guilty. You have walked with God, and God is pleased with your efforts.

If you have too many jobs in the Church, remember those who would not help will have to answer to God. Not you. You have walked with God, and thus, have pleased Him, even as did Enoch.

How can we walk with God? Simply the same way Enoch did. In Hebrews 11:4-5, we are told that it was “by faith Enoch was translated.”

If you read the passage before it, you will see that “faith” here is speaking about faith in the shed blood of Jesus.

So there is not any use in a man trying to get the blessing of God in his life, and at the same time, ridiculing the shed blood of Jesus, for “Without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins.”

Indeed, if there is any real thought in our lives of God’s holiness and our own sinfulness, there could be no joy, but only agony in fellowship with Him unless our sin was covered up, washed away, blotted out by the blood.

There are many today who are spurning the blood and trying to walk with Jesus, and it is utterly impossible!